
Umneed is mainly created to ease the way you send or forward emails to lots of addressees. At the first glance, one would say it is an e-address book but it is more than that.

Gathering all your friends’ email-addresses in a secure, hard to hack place is a good idea. Most of the time, when your email is hacked, all the precious addresses in your e-mail’s address book will be no more available. Moreover, there are lots of unusable, not known email-addresses in your e-mail’s address book that you don’t ever use.

Umneed is an email-address manager. It helps you to have more control over your contacts and manage the addresses in your own way. You can create your own categories and manage the addresses in your own way. It helps you to record some extra, useful information to identify an email-address and rank everyone in your list. You will never send anymore emails to people whom you don't like, without removing them from the list of your addressees.

By now it would be possible to capture and collect lots of your friends’ email-addresses easily and organize them to categories with a simple click like never before. Moreover you will never send back again the forwarded emails to those who have forwarded them to you –horrible mistakes!

All above are gathered in a simple, secure, self-explanatory fashion in Umneed.

Umneed is written by means of Open Source technology in Java language. Open source is
an approach to the design, development, and distribution of software. Umneed collects lots of important email addresses and its important that this information does not leak out. One of the advantages of Open source approach is the security it offers to the end-users.

Technically speaking, if you ask a Java technical person to check this program, he would confirm that no packages, relating to network programming, is imported to any class in the program and therefore the information you enter to the program would remain isolated from outer world and the possibility that the program may capture your addresses and send them to someone else is completely forbidden. Thanks to program's safety, you can use it more reliably, however try to prevent unauthorized access to your computer.

For more information about the security issues, the security infrastructure built into the Java virtual machine (JVM) and Java's security model (one of the language's key architectural features that makes it an appropriate technology for security issues), refer to the articles on internet.

Umneed info center would be the best place to see useful tips about the program and ask your questions.

Download Umneed v1.2.6 final from here.

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UMNEED e-address manager
Copyright (c) 2009-10 Youness Teimoury. All rights reserved.